Assembly of the Republic of Kosova

The President of the Assembly, Nexhat Daci participated in debate Kosovo policy challenges in the year 2005


Kosovo actually is protectorate of UN, free country, but it™s not an independent state. This context results in tenses, policy, economic and social concerns. Kosovo is going towards independence, since 1912. This is uncontestable, no negotiations, because the independent state is the population™s will emphasized with referendum. In order to achieve this we need to have a good will, persistent work and with responsibility to push forward extensive processes, above all to be sincere in offers and obligations, because in the period of globalization it™s impossible to hide something. Standards couldn™t be done just for statute issue, theirs realization enables the establishment of integration processes of Kosovo in EU and in North Atlantic Treaty. Every human being is determined to human life; darkness upon light comes from politics. All people have the right on life insurance and free movement. These were some of several words of the President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Prof. Nexhat Daci, in the debate Kosovo policy challenges in the year 2005, organized by students Association of policy sciences, held on National and University Library of Kosovo.

In this way, continued the Prof. Daci, we should look on strategy determination that the members of minorities to be grandee citizens and not accuse children of any population for effects due to their parents. To manifest in practice the will on realization of these processes, leading them with big responsibility. Like this we should look on decentralization issue, when we face territorial speculations, so we enter in this process and we look which parameters benefit and which not.

Prof. Nexhat Daci went on speaking broadly about aspects of future economic development of Kosovo. From certain international districts, said he, was aimed that people and generations of Kosovo to be shown as incapable and uneducated to govern and plan the future of the country, however incontestable potentials of Kosovo experts.

Very often international organisms are doing analysis for Kosovo resources, which are not worthy, instead of kosovars doing this. From this view, should understand our ancient engagement that the international administrative supervision to leave some space to the advisory reports and cooperation. Words of the Head of Kosovo™s legislature were positively accepted by the students, which raised questions regarding the issues discussed on this debate.